A Message from Our Principal

Coyote Family,

At Collier Business Academy for Financial Literacy, we believe “There’s No Place Like Collier!” Our theme this year focuses on the Heart, Strength, Knowledge, and Courage of our Coyote Family. As a professional learning community (PLC), we are dedicated to the three big ideas that drive our mission:

  1. A Focus on Learning: Our teachers are committed to a high-quality learning experience tailored to the individual needs of each child.
  2. A Collaborative Culture: We foster a supportive and collaborative environment where staff, students, and parents work together to achieve shared goals.
  3. A Results Orientation: We are focused on continuous improvement and achieving tangible outcomes for our students.

Our dedicated teachers strive to be creative and innovative in their instruction, engaging students through a variety of business and financial literacy activities, applications of technology, and essential 21st-century skills, which we call Collier Essentials, along with the Big 3 of Financial Literacy.

Collier Business Essentials:

  • Determination, Flexibility, Resilience
  • Emotional Intelligence and Empathy
  • Complex Communication (oral and written)
  • Analytical and Critical Thinking/Problem Solving
  • Time Management/Planning
  • Integrity and Ethical Responsibility
  • Adaptability, Self-Motivation, and Self-Direction
  • Leadership and Teamwork
  • Digital and Quantitative Literacy
  • A Global Perspective

Collier’s Big 3 for Financial Literacy:

  • Earning/Saving
  • Spending
  • Investing

Our primary goal at Collier is to empower all for future success! We strive to help all students achieve their dreams and find success in pursuing life goals. By preparing students for the real world, we show them how to generate wealth and manage it effectively, create jobs to strengthen their communities, and apply entrepreneurial thinking in the workplace. These lifelong skills help students make informed, intelligent decisions about their future and foster financial literacy that will be highly useful in the business world.

Go Coyotes!

Ms. Reegan Ann Heddings

Ms. Reegan Ann Heddings
Principal and a Leader in Learning, Caring, and Growing