Frequently Asked Questions
If you have questions about Collier Elementary, this is the first place to check. We’ve put together the answers to our most asked questions so you can easily find out what you need to know. And if you don’t see your question answered here, please get in touch. We’re more than happy to help.
What are the school hours?
School hours are as follows:
Regular Day: 8:25 a.m.–3:25 p.m. (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday)
Early Release: 8:25 a.m.–1:05 p.m. (Wednesday)
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday), 8:00 a.m.–1:40 p.m. (Wednesday and Early Release Days)
What if my child must be absent from school?
In the event of a necessary absence, a parent must notify the school by calling the dedicated attendance at 623-478-5901. Students may not participate in after-school activities unless they have been in school for at least half the day.
What if my child needs to leave school early?
Parents must check out students through the office prior to leaving school during school hours. Any person picking up the student must be listed on the emergency card and show a valid picture ID or have written approval from a parent or guardian.
Does Collier Business Academy for Financial Literacy have a dress code?
We require all students from kindergarten through 8th grade to dress in the proper standard school uniform. School uniform requirements are as follows:
Uniform for Boys
Solid dark green, solid ash gray, or solid burgundy shirts with lay-down collar. This may include a “polo” shirt or dress shirt with no logo or label showing on the shirt.
Solid navy blue or khaki shorts or slacks. Students may not wear pants with labels showing, blue jeans (denim), blue jeans shorts, sweat pants, or stretchy material.
Uniform for Girls
Solid dark green, solid ash gray, or solid burgundy shirts with lay-down collar. This may include a “polo” shirt or dress shirt with no logo or label showing on the shirt.
Solid navy blue or khaki pants, shorts, skorts, skirts, or jumpers. Students may not wear clothing with logos or labels showing, blue jeans (denim), blue jeans shorts, sweat pants, or stretchy material.
You can see further uniform requirements and other dress code rules in our student handbook.
What is the school policy regarding cell phones and other electronics?
Students may not use cell phones or other electronic devices or toys during the school day. We prohibit electronic devices such as cameras, cell phones, iPads, iPods, mp3s, electronic games, or any other electronic devices when they disrupt the school environment.
What if my child needs medication during school hours?
When it is medically necessary for a student to take medicine during school hours, parents must do the following:
- Provide a written order from the physician stating the name of the medicine, the dosage, and the time that it is to be administered.
- Provide written permission from the parent to allow the appropriate staff member or the student to administer the medicine.
- Deliver the medicine to the school office in the original prescription container, or, if it is an over-the-counter medication, in the original container with all warnings and directions intact.
Exceptions: Students who have been diagnosed with anaphylaxis may carry and self-administer emergency medications including auto-injectable epinephrine. The student must notify the school office secretary as soon as possible following the use of this medication. For breathing disorders, handheld inhaler devices may be carried for self-administration. In both instances, a parent or guardian must provide annual written documentation to authorize possession and self-administration. The student’s name must be on the prescription label on the medication container or device.
Does Collier Business Academy for Financial Literacy provide bus transportation?
Collier Business Academy for Financial Literacy provides bus services to those who qualify. Students residing within our school attendance area who also live more than one mile from school are eligible to ride the bus to and from school. We consider transportation a privilege and expect students to be respectful and follow bus rules while on the bus.
Can students ride a bike or scooter to school?
Students may ride a bike to school, but students must walk their bikes while on school property and secure them in the school’s designated bike rack area. We do not allow scooters, rollerblades, or skateboards on campus.